News site correction pages

Written by Adrian Holovaty on August 6, 2002

Ace intern Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman devotes a blog entry to how different news sites publish corrections. As a complement, here are a few additional corrections pages, good and bad:

  • Honolulu Advertiser -- Has a nice corrections page with links to the corrected stories. Corrected stories themselves are updated and flagged as such at the bottom of the page. Outstanding.
  • CNET -- An intensive corrections section, sorted by story type. Corrections are made to the original story.
  • Seattle Post-Intelligencer -- A list of corrected stories since early May. The corrections themselves aren't explained on this page, but the correction is made in the body of the story. A great system, I think; although it'd be a bit better if they listed the actual corrections on the index page, too.
  • Minneapolis Star-Tribune -- Lists all corrections since October 1999. But corrections themselves don't link to the stories; instead, they identify which print-edition page the story appeared on. (Funny. I thought this was the Web.)
  • Baltimore Sun -- Nice to see 'em in one place, but links to the articles would be nice.
  • El Paso Times -- "The last name of the youngest El Paso Community College graduate was incorrect in the El Paso Times May 10." This is frustrating. Which story?
  • Sacramento Bee -- In case you didn't get them the first time, they're attempting to "set it straight."