Steve Outing reports Knight Ridder has backed off from its strategy of applying the same design to several Web sites in its chain. (Example: The Miami Herald vs. The San Jose Mercury News vs. The Kansas City Star.) Here are the only design details the article provides:
Local newspapers in the KR chain now have more control over their own Web sites -- with the ability to decide for themselves (mostly) what they wish to emphasize ( vs. and more control over how their sites look. They have more options for making the sites best reflect their communities, rather than be saddled with a corporate-wide design.
Despite the fact that there were a few too many "more"s and "mostly"s in there -- and not enough "all"s or "completely"s -- it's good to see Knight Ridder's changing its tune. As many have said before, the current sites are completely devoid of character, horrid examples of cookie-cutter design. (One KR online editor was so frustrated he wrote a letter to his readers apologizing for the design and explaining his helplessness.)
This is great news. I hope it doesn't take long for the sites to redesign.
Posted by Rob on July 19, 2002, at 6:19 a.m.:
Good news, indeed. When I went to a Knight-Ridder site, I tended to give less credibility to the content as a direct result of the generic design. If I wanted something that looked like that, I'd go read the AP Wire. I'm glad they're finally figuring out that local branding and individuality is important -- more important than standardization. This sounds like a situation ripe for the two-sport star; someone who understands that both design and development are essential and can coexist with each other.
Posted by Sara on July 19, 2002, at 5:03 p.m.:
Hallelujah! When I worked for a Knight-Ridder paper, I was constantly embarrassed by the Web site. Giving the creative people a chance to stretch a bit, rather than basic production all the time, will probably result in good things.
Also, I've never really understood the concept of a newspaper chain trying to make their sites all the same. It might make chain-wide changes easier to carry out, but it makes more sense for each newspaper should have its own feel, based on the city and the readers.