Wanted: Movable Type expert for washingtonpost.com project

Written by Adrian Holovaty on May 2, 2006

Our opinions editor at washingtonpost.com is looking for a Movable Type expert to work on a project as a contractor. It's the sort of thing that could make you some quick, easy money if you're an expert at Movable Type templates.

If you're interested, contact Hal Straus at hal.straus [at] washingtonpost.com.


Posted by sandro on May 3, 2006, at 5:07 a.m.:

Who has time to be an expert anymore? It's all reference manuals and documentation for me, RTFM is my life.

Posted by Cade on May 8, 2006, at 12:38 a.m.:

Why doesn't he use the django system you guys made?