A few links of interest to designers and developers of online news/information sites:
- Matt Jones: The Glass Wall.
"A document detailing the design process behind the BBC homepage."
Fascinating, and beautifully explained. - Anne Conneen: The Best Designed News Sites
- Steve Yelvington: What are the best-designed news sites?
"Good Web design is interaction design, not 'how it looks' design."
- Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman: Name your sections carefully.
"Online editors might want to ask themselves whether their section names will still be appropriate 10 years from now."
- Columbia Journalism Review: Sixty-Seven Young Journalists and the Newspaper of Their Dreams. So what if I'm one of the journalists quoted? There are some good ideas here.
- Editor and Publisher: Newspaper Outsiders Offer Tips for Web Sites
- Steve Outing: New Year Resolutions: Fix Archives, Ban Pop-ups
Posted by prawnFresh on January 13, 2003, at 4:05 p.m.:
Any one else having problems with the PDF, regarding Matt Jones's 'The Glass Wall'? Acrobat doesn't want to open it (Tried on multiple machines)