Wired News redesigns in all CSS

Written by Adrian Holovaty on October 11, 2002

Wired News has redesigned. In a tremendous win for Web standards and modern Web technologies such as XHTML, the site now uses an all-CSS layout. The site's announcement says it "may be the first major, heavily trafficked, constantly updated site to adopt [Web standards]." CSS guru Eric Meyer is quoted:

This new design is more accessible, faster to download, more flexible and much easier on the Web server itself. Anyone interested in the future of the Web need look no further than this.

Not to mention the site's reliance on style sheets opens the door to many innovations -- such as dynamic text resizing, which the site has already implemented.

I can't articulate how important this redesign is. I suspect and hope it's a major step that will be emulated by many. Proponents of Web standards and CSS are one step closer to reaching critical mass.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: It's always refreshing to witness a news site that has a clue, technologically.

UPDATE, 3:50 p.m.: Meyer interviews a Wired News site developer who gives more technical details on the redesign.