There will be a quiz

Written by Adrian Holovaty on September 30, 2002

Three links of interest to Web developers:

  • How to Create Pop-Up Windows. "Forget everything you know about creating pop-up windows. Most importantly, forget you ever knew that the javascript pseudo-protocol ever existed. Do you hear me??"
  • A List Apart: CSS Design: Taming Lists. Innovative ways to use style sheets.
  • css-discuss: CSS signatures. CSS guru Eric Meyer introduces a new technique that makes it simple for users to change the design of a specific site, using user stylesheets. Craig Saila explains it well. I've implemented the technique on this site (body id="www-holovaty-com").


Posted by Carl on October 1, 2002, at 6:37 p.m.:

I love the idea of CSS signatures by site, but realistically most people would never bother.

What might be more useful is if there were a general rule of thumb ID sig - for example, all artistic sites with smaller than normal print have ID=smallprint. Then a user with vision problems could have his or her stylesheet automatically adjust for those sites, and leave other site's text alone.

Posted by Adrian on October 1, 2002, at 9:48 p.m.:

I agree that it's a geek thing. I doubt it'll ever gain widespread acceptance as a standard of any sort. But I put it in anyway, because if it helps at least one person, it was definitely worth doing.

"id=smallprint" is an interesting idea, but it goes directly against the principle of separating content from design. What happens if you use an alternate style sheet? "smallprint" could end up describing big text.