More on the redesign I mentioned yesterday: There's now a Flash movie explaining the site's new features (and a non-Flash version), along with a feedback page. Now that I've had some more time to look it over, I've decided the only significant technological advancement is their new treatment of breaking news. According to the redesign announcement, "When news breaks or develops, we will notify you with instant banners appearing not only on the home page, but across every page on the site." A very smart innovation -- and one that can easily be adopted on any Apache site using simple server-side includes.
A new bookmarklet, GraphicsInfo, will create an index of all the images on a Web page -- including background images, images in form elements, etc. -- with a slew of useful information about each image. Only works in certain browsers, though. (Link from webgraphics)
Fontscape, mentioned on quite a few blogs recently, is a Yahoo-like font directory that helps "find the ideal typeface for your application." It's urgent that you check this site out immediately.
Editor and Publisher has five questions for Rob Curley, who's in charge at in Lawrence, Kansas, and is one of the most exciting people I've had the pleasure of knowing.
Posted by Gina Setser on September 21, 2002, at 3:02 a.m.:
I find it strange that Fontscape doesn't list 'online' as one of its applications, but it's late and maybe I'm missing it. I think we all know that some fonts are far more legible on a computer than are others. I keep looking for the perfect online font. <sigh>
Posted by Adrian on September 21, 2002, at 10:06 p.m.:
I agree -- the only Web-related page I could find is the one for Microsoft Web fonts, which has the usual suspects like Verdana, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, etc. Seems to me this is a big oversight on the site's part.
Posted by Gina Setser on September 23, 2002, at 1:04 a.m.:
To any and all who are interested, this one of my favorite places to start looking and and comparing type:
In my bad old days as a designer in legacy media, the U&LC tab came, free, via snail mail on a random publishing schedule. It was always a treat.